Dark Connections To The Piggy Palace Murders On The Monterey Peninsula

Aurelia Lorca
3 min readJun 18, 2024

I first learned about Robert Pickton and the murders of the Piggy Palace last summer. It was so horrific I wanted to believe it wasn’t real. https://www.crimelibrary.org/serial_killers/predators/robert_pickton/6.html

I’ve recently read more about the Piggy Palace , and I’ve realized DT, one of the women who is named as Robert Pickton’s accomplices, is someone I knew. She was the ex-girlfriend of a computer programmer who lived on the Monterey Peninsula in the late nineties named AN and she lived at the house of PM, another computer programmer, in Carmel-by-the-sea during the fall of 1998. I remember she loved butterflies, was white presenting but proud of being aboriginal from Ontario, though her name meant Navajo. I remember she was also proud of being sober and helped PM keep his house clean and decorated the bedroom she lived in with butterflies .

I distinctly remember she moved out of PM’s house shortly after The Stay Puft Marshmallow Boy, whom Robert Lanoue had “mentored,” started latching onto him in late 1998–1999. I remember how awful it was to see the effect The Stay Puft Marshmallow Boy had on everyone and everything around PM.

On November 5, 1999 The Stay Puft Marshmallow Boy photographed me with a gun in my mouth in the downstairs bedroom at PM’s house. I remember the bedroom had stained yellow walls and the carpet was brown and covered with leaves and the sheets on the bed had stains. I remember. the. house had been wrecked and looked like what it had become – a party house. After this, I remember I backed away from my friendship with PM, even though Stay Puft wasn’t at his house for extended periods of time because he’d go on runs. to Los Angeles or to raves in Vancouver BC.

In July /August 2000 PM invited me over to his house for a bbq. Stay Puft wasn’t there, but I remember being creeped out by an older man alleged to be named Robert/Willie who was visiting from Vancouver. He creeped me out because he said he had “heard a lot about me”. I remember for some reason though she claimed she couldn’t stand Stay Puft , DT had moved to Vancouver BC. I remember she was at the bbq and kept saying she wanted me to visit and I had a bad, bad feeling.

I don’t know how Stay Puft would have been. able to get across the border as he had a criminal record – but he was often going on runs to Vancouver BC. I remember when we were kids he went by his original last name, when it suited him. I also remember how his mentor, Robert Lanoue, had a Hispanic last name when he was in the US Army, though it was not his real name- as his DNA evidence. demonstrates, he is not Hispanic, he is French-Canadian heritage and his real last name is Lanoue. https://www.countyofmonterey.gov/Home/Components/News/News/9162/9444

I remember seeing Robert/Willie who was alleged to be from Vancouver BC at an event in Big Sur afterwards, and being very creeped out by him and DT who kept urging me to visit Vancouver . I had a bad feeling that I could not explain.

DT is named in the press as being Pickton’s accomplice, and yet conspicuously there is nothing mentioned about her time in California. There is also no mention of The Stay Puft Marshmallow Boy, or his mentor, Robert Lanoue, who are more likely to have been Pickton’s accomplices.



Aurelia Lorca

“No history is mute. No matter how much they own it, break it, and lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth." ― Eduardo Galeano