Statement In Support To Preserve The Evidence Of The Pickton Investigation

Aurelia Lorca
1 min read6 days ago

There were over 14,000 pieces of evidence that were collected during the Robert Pickton Investigation.

Since 2020, there have been three applications to destroy the evidence. The most recent application goes before the Crown on June 26, 2024.

Destroying the evidence would be an insult to all of the victims and the families of victims connected to this history. Destroying the evidence would also endanger the families of the victims connected to this history.

The evidence needs to be preserved and further investigated as it may help answer some very serious questions connected to this history:

How was MWM able to often cross the border into Vancouver, BC with his criminal background?

How was Dinah Taylor , who had an extensive record of felonies, able to be on the Monterey Peninsula the summer of 2002 when she was a suspect as Pickton’s accomplice in an active mass murder investigation?

How was Robert Pickton, who had a record , able to cross the border and be on the Monterey Peninsula in July 2000? And, is July 2000 the only time Pickton was on the Monterey Peninsula?

After his 2002 arrest Pickton bragged how he had killed 49 women, and regretted not killing one more, and make it the big 5–0 as a way to “outdo the Americans.” The evidence from the Pickton investigation not only should be preserved, it should be checked against the FBI’s DNA database.



Aurelia Lorca

“No history is mute. No matter how much they own it, break it, and lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth." ― Eduardo Galeano